Lowercase NYC

Brooklyn Based Eyewear Manufacturing


An Investment Analyst, Architect, and Fabrication expert join forces to form a new eyewear manufacturing company in Brooklyn New York.  In 2016 Lowercase NYC launches as the first ever eyewear manufacturing company in Brooklyn. Gerard Masci, Brian Vallario, Ryan Langer & combined their unique backgrounds to bring sustainable and handcrafted eyeglasses to the USA.  Lowercase NYC imports some of the finest materials from Japan, Germany, & Italy.  These countries build some of the best components for eyewear.  Lowercase NYC keeps their manufacturing earth friendly by minimizing waste and works with other companies that can reuse any remaining eyewear scraps.  Lowercase eyeglasses can only be found in select boutiques in the nation. 

Sneak Peak!

Contact Lowercase NYC

Phone :212-510-7621

Website: https://lowercasenyc.com/